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Join Our Winning League in Spring '24

Are you an organization or school interested in joining the Connecticut Consolidated Esports League?  Here are the Six Steps To Joining ConnCEL!

Introducing an Idea


Securing Stakeholders

Whether you are a school with a million dollar Esports budget or an after school program trying to get your program off the ground, the first thing you need to do is meet with representation from all the stake holders and  secure their support.  There is still some stigma surrounding  scholastic Esports and to be successful, you'll need support from important community members like parents, your Board of Ed, teachers & administrators, executive directors, IT professionals and the youth themselves.  Some school districts in Connecticut have resolutions on the books regarding scholastic Esports programs, while afterschool programs may have to meet with their Board members and parents to come up with similar guidelines. Either way, please share the resource guide, "Esports for Everyone" with stakeholders so we can all be a part of making your Esports program a success.

A Brief Introduction to ConnCEL and the Benefits of Esports

ConnCEL's Equipment and Funding Guide

ConnCEL Overview Presentation

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Connecting Coaches

Once you get your team approved, you'll need coaches to run the program.  Coaches don't need to know how to play every game, and in some cases, coaches don't need to know how to play any of the games.  So what do coaches do?  A coach is the adult from your school or organization responsible for supervising the teammates, the tournament schedule and making sure the team is adhering to the tournament rules and oversees the NASEF curriculum. Plus, coaches get to game with and mentor youth, so that's a win-win for everybody!

Image by Desola Lanre-Ologun


Creating Community

Like other scholastic Esports Leagues, ConnCEL's rules enforce a Code of Conduct and rules for participation which ensure every Esports team enjoys a safe, secure environment, and that each team is an inclusive space for every youth to feel empowered. Review the ConnCEL Rules and Code of Conduct to make sure they align with the needs, expectations and mission of your organization.


Youth Voice, Youth Choice

ConnCEL promotes youth voice and youth engagement, so it's no surprise that we hold student surveys and student-led discussions on how we can implement our tournaments and improve our organization as a whole. There are many roles our youth can hold on our teams besides players- from event planners to shout casters, we explore the various opportunities inherent in scholastic Esports.

Image by Brett Jordan


Join ConnCEL

Fill out the ConnCEL Membership Application. Your club advisor will be the main contact for your program. Your principal or community organization leader must sign the application as well to be accepted as an official member. Once the Membership Application is signed and dated, upload it here.


Once we receive your complete Membership Application, a member of the GSE team will reach out to your club advisor to schedule a call to go over next steps and answer any questions you may have. After that, it’s game on! Welcome to Garden State Esports!

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Preparing to Play

Get interested players together and set the tone for the team. It’s important students understand the commitment they’re making. It’s also important that students know that how they play games at home is not how Esports works in school. Your Esports team should be a safe, inclusive place for everyone. Consider using the Good Luck, Have Fun Pledge to form the basis of your team’s charter.


Sitting in Front Of The Computer
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