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Writer's pictureDuane Pierre

ConnCEL becomes a NASEF Affiliate

The Network of Academic and Scholastic Esports Federations (NASEF) is the founding organization of scholastic Esports, whose mission is to "provide opportunities for all students to use Esports as a platform to develop STEAM-based skills and social emotional attributes such as communication, collaboration, and problem-solving abilities needed to thrive in work and in life." World Wide Youth Networks ( WWYN) is the leader of youth empowerment through he digital arts and sciences, and has been using Esports for career exploration and college prep since 2017 and has partners in multiple states and around the world. With WWYN becoming and affiliate and launching the Connecticut Consolidated Esports League, youth from across Connecticut that do not have the opportunity to compete in varsity Esports will have to ability to play competitively in a safe, secure fun, environment that fosters learning, career competencies

and organizational support for coaches and youth alike.



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